HarmonicFlow Trio.

Our group brings together three expert instructors specializing in energy healing, music therapy, Kundalini Yoga, and Family System Constellation.


About Us


HarmoniousFlow Trio was co-founded by Ming Xiang, Vivian Lee, and JinJin Wang to channel energy and elevate “healing of the mind, body, and spirit”.

和諧流動三人組是由 Ming Xiang, Vivian Lee 和 JinJin Wang 共同創辦,加持能量,傳遞並提升「身心靈的療癒」。

Upcoming Workshop 不容錯過的工作坊

### HarmonicFlow Trio 活动简章 – 深度疗愈与自我觉醒之旅

🌟 **活动概述**

**日期**:2024年10月27日(周日) –
**时间**:上午:10:00 – 12:45 , 下午:13:15 – 16:00
**地点**:Vivian Lee House in NW
**主题**:聚焦喉轮能量 –
半天课程:上午 $90 / 下午 $90
老学员优惠:每次参与递减 $10(报名时请注明参与次数)

🌀 **活动亮点**
– 深入探索并激活喉轮能量
– 能量疗愈专题,深入学习针对专题的能量疗愈小功法
– 全方位身心灵疗愈体验
– 分享心得,促进深刻交流
– 链接内心,释放潜在力量


🌿 **导师简介**
– **Ming Xiang**:能量治疗专家
– **Vivian Lee**:昆达里尼瑜伽与家族排列导师
– **Jinjin Wang**:颂钵疗愈师,结合中医理论

🕒 **活动安排**
– 10:00 入场及能量测试
– 10:10 – 10:35 开场唱诵与昆达里尼瑜伽暖身
– 10:45 – 11:35 能量疗愈专题(学员选择)
– 11:45 – 12:35 昆达里尼动态静心
– 12:45 – 1:15午休
– 1:15 – 2:05 喉轮冥想 + 铜锣浴 + 颂钵音疗
– 2:15 – 3:45 家族系统排列
– 3:45 – 4:00 心得分享

服務精選 Service Selection


Through energy healing, music therapy, Kundalini Yoga, and family constellations, unlock your inner potential and restore balance. Explore and activate the energy of the sacral chakra to experience holistic mind-body-spirit healing. Share insights to facilitate profound experiential exchanges, connect minds, and unleash inner potential. Let Harmonic Flow Trio be your sacred space for spiritual growth and revitalization.

透過能量療癒、音樂療法、昆達里尼瑜珈和家族系統排列,啟動您的內在潛能、重建平衡。探索並啟動海底輪的能量,體驗全方位的身心靈療癒,心得分享環節,促進深刻的體驗交流,連結心靈,釋放內在潛力。讓 Harmonic Flow Trio 成為您的心靈成長及恢復活力的神聖空間。

energy healing 能量療癒

Discover the Power of Energy Healing 發掘能量疗愈的力量

music therapy 音療

Unleashing the healing power of sound 釋放聲音的治療力量

Kundalini 昆达里尼瑜珈與靜心

Explore the Transformative Practice of Kundalini Dynamic Meditation 探索昆達里尼的動態與靜心

Family System Constellation 家族系統排列

Exploring the Power and Healing of Family System Constellation 探索家族系統排列的力量與治愈

sharing 親密分享

Participate in sharing sessions for profound experience exchange 在溫馨分享會中深化連結,分享成長心得,共同體驗生命之美

Root Chakra 海底輪

Explore and activate the energy of the Root Chakra 探索並激活海底輪的能量

聯繫我們 connect with us


Join Us and Discover the Miracles of the Soul




一個人要活得舒適精彩,不容易;有時「舒適」和「精彩」甚至是衝突的,如何兩不衝突地過好日子,需要能量的平衡,Ming Xian 老師教我們整理身體,補我們的不足,甚至給我們能量,為我們「加油打氣」,溫柔中的剛毅令人感動。

Living a comfortable and exciting life isn’t easy; sometimes “comfort” and “excitement” even conflict with each other. Balancing these two aspects to lead a fulfilling life requires energy balance. Teacher Ming Xian teaches us how to organize our bodies, replenish our deficiencies, and even provides us with energy, essentially “fueling us up.” The combination of gentleness and resilience in her approach is truly moving.


6/15 略有陰霾下午甚至下起雨來,但是今天是心靈大晴天的日子。家排,有人把它當做是蒙著神秘面紗的靈性治療,但它其實是一個別具意義的心靈課程。參與者有似 cosplay,扮演時真誠對待自己內心的想法,第一時間用不修飾、不虛假的態度表達出來,經過敘述、思索,表述自己的觀點,這很符合科學的實證原理!借由各角色內在純淨的言語,創造溝通的平台,當事者會發現自己生命的盲點,從而修正生活的態度。毋寧說家排是極具系統化的科學。除了參與者的不虛偽,家排師若能帶出關鍵角色,拋出關鍵提問,總結疑難的核心,這是高水準的協助者。Vivian 稱得上是佼佼者。

Student Feedback

On June 15th, the weather was somewhat gloomy and it even rained in the afternoon. However, it was a day of great clarity for the soul. Family System Constellation, often perceived as a mysterious spiritual therapy, is actually a profoundly meaningful psychological course. Participants engage in a form of role-playing similar to cosplay, sincerely confronting their innermost thoughts and expressing them candidly and truthfully in real-time. Through narration, reflection, and articulating their viewpoints, they adhere closely to the principles of scientific evidence! This process creates a platform for communication through the pure, genuine words of each role, helping individuals uncover the blind spots in their lives and adjust their attitudes accordingly. In this sense, Family System Constellation is highly systematic and scientific. Beyond the participants’ authenticity, the facilitator’s ability to identify key roles, pose critical questions, and summarize the core issues is what makes for a high-caliber assistant. Vivian stands out as an exemplary facilitator in this regard.

Our Team 我們的團隊

Our professional practitioners will guide you towards harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Ming Xiang

Energy Healing 能量療癒導師

JinJin Wang

Sound Bowl Healer, integrates Traditional Chinese Medicine theories 頌缽療癒,結合中醫理論導師

Vivian Lee

Kundalini Yoga, and Family System Constellation 昆達里尼瑜珈和家族系統排列導師



Join Us and Discover the Miracles of the Soul

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